Thurs 23 Rabee' 1 1446 H
26 September 2024 G
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Types Of Kufr (disbelief) and kuffaar (disbelievers)2-

In this respect the messenger (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims, shall not smell the smell of Paradise though its smell is perceived from a distance of forty years."(18)Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar said:"…what… more
Number of Views (1876) || Thurs 23 Rabee' 1 1434

Types Of Kufr (disbelief) and kuffaar (disbelievers)

Types Of Kufr (disbelief) and kuffaar (disbelievers) By: Sheikh Abu Al Hasan Ali Aal Ali AR-Ramly People of this type of kufr are divided into two categories: The first: The original disbelievers: They are those who have never entered into Islam. Among… more
Number of Views (3463) || Thurs 23 Rabee' 1 1434

Kufr; Definition and Types

Kufr; Definition and TypesBy: Sheikh Abu Al Hasan Ali Aal Ali AR-RamlyAll Praise is due to Allah, and may Allah´s salaah and salaam be on Prophet Muhammad, his household, the noble companions and those who follow their path until the Day of Resurrection.To… more
Number of Views (3647) || Thurs 8 Tholq'idah 1433
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