Fri 24 Rabee' 1 1446 H
27 September 2024 G
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The State of Al Majd Channel For Children And Sheikh Abdullah Al ´Ubaylaan

Assalaamu AlaykumI have two questions:1> A Salafi sister is asking about the ruling on letting her children watch Al Majd channel2> What is the state of Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ubaylaan? May Allaah reward you

Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

1> Al Majd channel follows the methodology of Al Ikhwaan Al Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood Party), they teach the daughters of Muslims dancing, indecency and they remove shame from them. And Allah is the one whom we seek aid with.

2> Shaykh Al ´Ubaylaan advises people to take from those who are Majroheen (have been disparaged and warned against), and their Jarh (disparagement) has been well known and has been stated by major scholars.

It is apparent that he opposes the methodology of the Salaf concerning this matter, so you should avoid his speech when he speaks about such matters (Jarh and Ta´deel), and you should not ask him about it.

May Allaah guide him

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By: Sheikh Ali Ar-Ramli (May Allaah Preserve Him)
Thurs 14 Jumada 1 1433
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