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Is it correct to say that the Shia are more dangerous on Muslims than Jews

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhHayaakum Allaah Our SheikhIs it correct to say that the Shia are more dangerous on Muslims than Jews? And does this saying contradict the Qur´aan? May Allaah bless you

Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

This saying is correct, because Muslims know the Jews and the Christians and know their danger on the religion of Allah, and that they (Jews and Christians) will not be pleased with Muslims until they turn them away from their religion, but they (Muslims) are ignorant of the Shia extremists and the Raafidah, they ignorant of the danger of those Kuffaar (Raafidah).

Because the Raafidah calim the love of the household of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) and they confuse people with that.

Therefore, they are far more dangerous on Islam and Muslims than the Jews and the Christians, and there is nothing in this statement that contradict the Book of Allaah. And Alaah knows best

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By: Sheikh Ali Ar-Ramli (May Allaah Preserve Him)
Thurs 14 Jumada 1 1433
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