Fri 24 Rabee' 1 1446 H
27 September 2024 G
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Istikhaarah for Marriage

If a Muslim wife performed Istikhaarah when attempting to get married. But after marriage she she began to feel that her worship had decreased, like having humility in salaah and in seeking knowledge. Where-as when she was not married she was happier, more tranquil and more pious. And now she does not feel as happy as she was before marriage and she wishes that she never got married Can she wish for such a thing? And was the Istikhaarah not beneficial

As long as she has made Istikhaarah to Allaah regarding her marriage and Allaah has facilitated it for her to get married then there is no doubt that it was good for her whether she noticed this good or she did not. And Allaah knows best
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By: ali alramly
Tues 12 Jumada 1 1433
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