The ruling on participating in a Janaazah that has innovations in it

Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

Hanafees said: ´And if there was in the Janaazah a Naa´ihah (wailing woman) or a Saa´ihah (shouting woman), then she is to be rebuked. If she does not listen, then it is fine to carry on with the Janaazah, because following the Janaazah is a Sunnah and it is not to be left because of a Bid´ah that has been committed by others

Hanbalis said: It is not permissible to take part in a Janaazah that includes Munkar (evil, innovation), like wailing and shouting if he cannot remove this evil, and if the person is capable then he should remove it

I (Shaykh Ali Ar-Ramli) say: Participating in a Janaazah is a Sunnah and it is from the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim, and it has a great reward.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: " Who ever attends the Janaazah until it is finished, will earn a Qiraat, and who ever stays until the burial, will earn two Qiraats. Someone asked: What are the two Qiraats? The Prophet answered :'like two great mountains" and in another narration he said: the smallest mountain of these two, is of the size of Uhud mountain.

And as the Hanafees said: Taking part in the Janaazah is a Sunnah and it should not be left due to Bid´ah that has been committed by others

And I (Sheikh Ali Ar-Ramli) say: There are conditions for participating:

Firstly: Not to take part in Bid´ah

Secondly: To forbid the evil to the best of one´s ability

Thirdly: That people do not be deceived by your participation, where they think that what has taken place from innovations and evil acts is permissible, And Allah knows best


Asslaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, I apologise O our noble Sheikh, we have a great difference here with regards to the matter.

Some people do not go to the Janaaza and that has caused problems with their parents, so I hope that you elaborate more about the third condition. How would people be deceived into thinking that what is being done from evil acts and innovations is permissible? Also, we do not join them when they innovate, rather we stay away from them, wait until they make Takbeer for Salaah, then we pray and leave. So what is the ruling on this action?


Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. If you see that the laymen are taking your presence as a proof for the permissibility of such innovations, then it becomes impermissible for you to attend.

But if the laymen, know your stance concerning these innovations, and know that you take part in the Sunnah only and that you avoid the innovations, then attending such a Janaazah is permissible as long as you avoid the Bid´ah, And Allaah knows best